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Regular treatments to support your mental and physical well being. Cost listed is the initial appointment fee, regular appointments costs can be reduced for monthly, or weekly appointments. 

" My MFR sessions with Katya have been revolutionary for both my body and my mind and deepening the connection between the two. Not to mention incredibly relaxing and therapeutic, during each and every one of my many sessions my whoop band stress monitor dropped to the same level of stress I experience in deep sleep (basically at zero) which is incredibly rare in a conscious state. Katya's work is amazing and I would recommend it to anyone "

" Katja has been a huge support mentally. Her massage grounded me. She has a wisdom that allowed me to heal at every level. MFR was a massage she did with me after my divorce as I was in mental pain. MFR has allowed me to bring my body back to itself. I was lost and confused, Katja could hold my body and my hand in order to heal at every level. A beautiful experience that I recommend to everyone who went through Trauma. Thanks Katja for giving me a piece of puzzle in my healing journey. "
L.T  (Teacher)

In a forever changing fast paced society we've recently learnt that now more than ever we're missing something, that this causes us pain, emptiness, overwhelm or dissonance. It's time to come back home to our body. Reconnect with what is closest to us, we are not looking for perfection but a sense of ease and peace with in us.

Gain new insight into your body's structural and emotional connection with consistent positive touch and space to address your body's needs. Experience has shown me that long term issues take time and that time should be respected your body has learnt way to compensate and or cope. With that in mind I'm aware that can also come with financial challenges as therapy is not cheap! However neither is your commitment in order to make therapy more accessible I have options for monthly or bi monthly appointments, the standard reductions are shown below. Since qualifying I have always increased the options available for those who are managing long term health conditions, managing the costs of talk therapy or effected by economic hardship, Please email me to discuss your situation.

Regular treatment prices per session

1 x Month £65      2 x Month £60      3+ x Month £50

Below are a statements from clients I worked with intensively

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